If you’re anything like me you prefer to sit inside a booth area within a cafe whenever possible. Indeed, they’re usually the first seating that fills up inside any cafe or restaurant. If you’re with a couple of friends then sitting in a booth makes the space feel more private and lets you feel you can confide any problems or share a joke without everyone around you being privy to the conversation. That said, having the right booth design can be a big factor in allowing for customer comfort and for waiting staff to be able to serve guests. It’s important for any cafe owner to have the correct booth specifications, precise measurements, and the right style of booth table to ensure that their venue gets the most from their seating.
Leave sufficient gut space
‘Gut space’ refers to the amount of room allowed from where the customer’s back hits the booth seat to the top edge of the table. The last thing you want is to have your booth seating installed only to find that it’s such a squeeze for customers to get seated that they simply up sticks and leave. In general consider leaving a space of around 50-55cm to allow plenty of room for movement.
The good news is that booth space for 4 people takes up considerably less floor space when compared to open seating, which means that a cafe owner can ultimately cater for more customers and increase their revenue.
Consider using rounded corners
Rounded or radius corners are a good way for cafe owners to ensure that their customers are more comfortable and as its name suggest doesn’t feature any sharp edges. Consequently customers won’t find themselves bumping into unforgiving corners which can make it difficult to squeeze into a booth and may also bruise their legs.
Clipped corners are a good feature
A booth table with clipped corners is another great option. Basically this style of coffee table manufacturers features corners which are clipped to a 45 degree angle. Not only does this make it easier for customers to access their table but waiting staff will find it easier to serve their guests drink and food too. Typically this is just one detail that enhances your customer dining experience and one that is worth while considering when planning your booth installation.
Use the right base
It’s important in the hospitality trade that the right base is used for cafe tables and is essential if your seating is to work. It’s a good idea to fit a cantilever base in order to maximise comfort and space for customers. These bases offer plenty of leg room as well as plenty of support even under pressure. In addition this type of base is easier to clean, meaning that waiting staff can turn around a booth quickly and efficiently.
Sometimes, however, a cantilever base isn’t the best option. If you’ve got rounded booth seating then there’s no way that your table can be connected to a wall. Instead you’ll need a sturdy single column base with either an X-style or disc base. This gives good support to the table and still allows plenty of leg room for customers.
The benefits of booth seating are clear for all to see. Not only are guests comfortable, but cafe owners will find their business runs more smoothly and that their well designed booth makes customers want to return time and time again.
Here at CDG furniture we stock a wide range of tables and chairs, including booths, so why not browse our online store or visit our web:www.cdgfurniture.com